The official newspaper 'Global Times' on May 17, supported the use of “non-peaceful” measures against Vietnam and the Philippines. An editorial in the newspaper said “Many people believe that a forced war would convince some countries of China’s sincerely peaceful intentions.” "The South China Sea disputes should be settled in a peaceful manner, but that doesn’t mean China can’t resort to non-peaceful measures in the face of provocation from Vietnam and the Philippines.” It added that, in fact, “Many people believe that a forced war would convince some countries of China’s sincerely peaceful intentions.” 

The previous day in the US, PLA Chief of the General Staff Department, General Fang Fenghui, defended the deployment of a giant oil rig that has inflamed tensions in the disputed South China Sea and triggered violent protests in Vietnam. He blamed Hanoi and said China cannot afford to “lose an inch” of territory that has been handed down over centuries.

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