In compliance with orders recently issued by the CCP CC's Organisation Department that officials whose wives and children live abroad should not be promoted, the Guangdong Province's Organisation Department has transferred numerous Communist Party officials in this category to less sensitive posts as part of the anti-corruption campaign. This was reported by the People’s Daily which, however, did not disclose the number of officials in Guangdong who have been transferred or whose wives and children live abroad. Some analysts estimate that there are at least 1 million officials in China whoo fall within this category. 

The Guangdong Communist Party Organisation Department has also ordered its branches across the province to investigate how many officials’ immediate families have emigrated. It has directed that such officials, including department heads, should either ask their families to return to the country or be moved to less sensitive positions. The  Guangdong Communist Party Organisation Department is additionally trying to persuade these officials to ask their wives or children to return from overseas.

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