China's Ministry's of National Defense announced on its website that the tests of its missile interception system on July 23, had "achieved the preset goal." However it did not confirm whether the anti-missile tests were part of the three-month military exercise which got underway in six of the country's seven military regions on July 15. Xinhua pointed out that it was China's fourth successful test of its land-based anti-missile system since 2010.

According to Chinese military experts, it should also be a test for so-called midcourse interception, reflecting a great improvement in the country's anti-missile technologies. China conducted successful tests on midcourse anti-missile technology in 2010, 2012 and 2013. Citing a Beijing-based military expert, the Hong Kong-based China-owned 'Ta Kung Pao' said the strategic significance of China's development of midcourse anti-missile interception technology can be compared to that of its nuclear weapons, ballistic missile and satellite programs.

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