The Voice of America (VOA) on March 12,  claimed that a young man in Wuhan, in his twenties, with the pseudonym “Tulong,” had decided not to remain silent in front the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) propaganda and thought control, but to speak out for the people who died from the coronavirus. Tulong said “I know how sinister this regime is, but before, I just told myself not to look at these things.” It said his dream was to be a news reporter. He studied at the top journalism department in China, but soon he found that his dream would never come true. “My school is the place where they train people to control public opinion. More than once, I heard my teachers’ brag about how they controlled public opinion.” After the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, Tulong said that he might have been infected with the virus and even been cremated had he not broken the firewall blockade to visit websites outside of China and not heard the truth from friends overseas. “When they drove the ‘low-end’ people out of Beijing, I told myself that I was not a low-end person and would not be cleaned out. When they set up a “reform” campus in Xinjiang, I thought I was not a Uyghur and didn’t have a religion, so I would not be put in the camp; I am sympathetic to Hong Kong people, but I felt that I wouldn’t go to the streets to protest, so still it had nothing to do with me. This time, it happened in my hometown. Many people around me were infected and some had passed away, so I could not tolerate it anymore. Most of the Chinese, including myself, are not innocent because we have condoned (the CCP) for doing evil, and many have even done evil together with the CCP.” He said a friend once told him that, to live in China, a person has to be able to do at least one of two things and both things would be better. First, let go of one’s own rationality; and second, let go of one’s conscience. However, Tulong felt that he couldn’t do either. He told VoA “I survived in the epidemic. I am lucky. However, as a survivor from Wuhan, I have a responsibility to speak out, for the rest of my life, for the people who died.”

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